For the last 3-4 days, we have been waiting for the login passwords to come, but still we get is their oft repeated reply, 'the team is working on it.' I fail to understand why is it taking so much time for the people in US to set right such a minor thing as passwords? whenever we inquire, some or other excuses are given, but what I think is those guys are bloody lazy nothing else. And when finally we do get the passwords, they will start putting pressure to execute more work, to increase the head count, to maintain quality, etc. etc. since we are yet to start working on the APEX platform, i am continuing my work on escription platform which many of my friends admit is absolutely a hopeless platform as far as line count is concerned and since I am working on a line count basis and not a fixed pay, this month I am in total disarray. since my line count production is less due to working on e-scription platform, the next month will be heavy for me since I will receive very less money and in fact I may have to borrow some from my friend. I really dont know what's going to happen in March. Hopefully, by this month end the passwords will be received, so that in March I will be able to produce a better line count to earn a good amount.
good night!!
good night!!